Nottoway park

Nottoway park
Hunter House facing gardens

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 3rd

Eggplant, one of Ginny's heirloom tomatoes, some garlic and the last of the onionsl
Stopped by the garden on the way home from brunch at the Johnson's house. The gladiolas, Stella d'oro day lilies  and  the coneflowers that I transplanted looked pretty limp. I had not watered because I was sure rain was on its way. However, no rain; Ed and I gathered some tomatoes and admired the melons, which seems to grow in girth every time I see them, even if its only a five minute from one glance to the next. The eggplants look marvelous but I did not have a knife to cut the stem, which is so thick that I am afraid to try to snap it and accidently uproot the entire plant.
Last night we had a good rain and I am eager to see if the cool weather and the rain have revived the transplants. Hope so.
Today I focused on my backyard and weeded for several hours. Collected several large bags/containers of debris. It was pretty weedy out there. I tried to tie up the volunteer tomato plants behind the azalea  bushes but ended up just uprooting them. I hope that removing the debris will reduce the number of mosquitoes. It looks a lot better without all those pesky violets. Tomorrow, I'd like to move some hostas and those green snake plant look-alike plants. They have flourished in the shady backyard. Unfortunately, the holly bush by the fence is getting so big that the hosta and the green spikey plants are getting buried.   I trimmed up the holly but need to move about 6 plants while the weather is still cool. Rain on the horizon on Tuesday.
I want to visit the Nottoway garden tomorrow and continue to clean up the beds, harvest the tomatoes and the eggplant, and plant some more seeds in addition to the radish and green beans. However, Anne Marie is coming up for a visit and I need to get the Subi from the repair shop and get to DMV to have Corolla  title lien released since it needs to be in AMDW's name.
Next week, I really need to buy some mulch and get some more cardboard to freshen up the garden paths.  

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