Arrived at the garden about 7:30 am. It faces north east but the line of tall trees block the sunlight and the garden is in light shade at that time in the morning. SeveralKorean ladies were buslting about...all in long pants and long sleeve shirts and caps.They were not working in the plot across from ours but in two of the ones they have across from plot 21. We chatted and they asked me how our plot was going.I admired their work and the number of hot peppers they have. The taller one with the shower cap on her head, told me that they make Kim Chi with the peppers and wanted to know if I knew what Kim Chi was. I told her I knew Kim Chi but had to admit when she then asked thatI did not enjoy it because it is too hot for my taste. I told her that my husband liked it and she said that she guessed that some people eat store bought Kim Chi.
Worked for 90 minutes, raking up stuff and moving the tarps so they now cover almost the entire plot. Some of the area I raked had been under the tarp for almost a week and it looked great...almost completely cleared of vegetation. I "rolled" the dried up weeds into an area facing the almost looks like a big bale of hay. The roll is probably up to my shoulder. I restrung the twine in a fence type thing around the outer boundaries of the "farm" . I think it looks better with some sort of outline around the tarps.
As I was packing up stuff, another Korean Lady came by and told me it looked good but I need to get rid of the tarps and water the ground so I can pull up the remaining weeds. I agreed and said next time.
I have decided that gardeners love to give advice and I am just going to agree with everyone. I think it will improve my Agreeability index and decrease my propensity to give advice and be bossy. Ginny brought over several long pieces of wood that look beautiful for fencing in the "farm".
I left after 9am and the plot was in full sunlight.
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